Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gigging where you're unknown

We're playing a new venue for the first time next weekend and it's got me thinking again about how to try and swell audience numbers so that we're more likely to get asked back.

When we first started we'd invite a couple of die-hard friends/fans along via text messages and leave the rest of it to chance. Even getting friends along can get more difficult though the more often you get out gigging. Who wants to come along and see/hear pretty much the same thing night after night?

So over time we've adopted the following to give ourselves the best chance of a reasonable crowd:

1. Email alerts to registered subscribers to our band's website. (Try out if you want to get into this).

We generally reserve any such emails for when we think we most need help with audience numbers - and those subscribers most local.

2. Small Flyers/cards at gigs prior to the one where we're trying to boost numbers.
This Bank Holiday Monday we're playing an outdoor gig and will scatter flyers around (having Okayed it with the venue manager 1st) with our contact details (for people to book us for private functions) AND also mention the new venue gig next weekend.

3. On Mic announcements
When we thank the crowd at the end of Monday's show we'll remind them about the gig next weekend.

4. Website Announcement
Depending on what sort of indications we get from people on Monday about coming to the gig the week after, we might make a further announcement about it on our website homepage.

5. Press Release
Next Tuesday is deadline day for the local paper in the area we're playing the "new" gig. A press release with a picture from bank Holiday Monday's performance and a suitable "local angle" to the story will further help alert people to the show.

Either way, in 2009 when venues are more careful about the money they spend on bands, we don't like to leave gig crowd numbers to chance any more...

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