Wednesday, September 23, 2009

8 Publicity Ideas to Help Get Band Gigs

Publicity, whether via the press or just your own newsletter, is obviously vital if you want your band to cut through the crowd and get noticed.

Here are 8 ideas for what you can talk about in any releases you make to the press or via your own publications (including your website or Myspace/Facebook pages).

1. Hometown of the act:
Pretty simple, but you'd be amazed how many bands don't include this on the info they send out. Essential if you want people to book you - even if you're "just" playing covers

2. Date and circumstances of the band's formation
: Don't be afraid to spice this up a little. You can include "why" the band was formed

3. Info on any previous bands members were in :
Unless of course you're ashamed of them!

4. "Stories"
: Any interesting little pieces of info about any band activities (gigging, recording, writing etc) and the way they go about them, which gives "personality" to the act

5. Song Info: Why it's about, why it was written. This info will help clarify point 6 below..

6. Musical Genre/Category of the band
: Sometimes this is hard to define or you may be reluctant to label yourselves - but this does need to be clarified.

7. Gig Schedule
- If you don't yet have many, call this "Next Gig"

8. Info on previous gigs
- A good opportunity to use a great picture of the band in action

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