Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Start Band Booking Before You've Formed a band

Someone asked me this week what they could do to prepare for band bookings  - before they'd finalised the band line-up.

The answer is there's plenty any act can do about getting gigs before they're actually ready to play them.

Obviously once you have your line-up in place it's all about rehearsing the music and show. While you're still doing that though, in my experience there are two key actions you can take:

1. Spend this time looking at your competition and working out what's different (or what will be different) about your band/act. Your USP if you will. This will pay big dividends when it comes to pitching your act to venues

The Band Booking Difference

2. Collect as long a list as you possibly can of the potential venues you'll approach for gigs once you're ready. Getting a venue to say "Yes" when you approach them is a numbers game and the longer your list of targets the better.

Find Gig venues

Band Booking Venue Ideas

Doing these 2 things will save you a lot of time once you're rehearsed and ready to roll... 

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